Näin suodatamme hakutuloksia
Haluatko tietää, miten suodatamme hakutuloksia? Lue täältä lisää siitä, miten koulutukset listautuvat hakutuloksissa.
Näyttää 1-20 koulutusta 22 tuloksesta
Näin suodatamme hakutuloksia
Haluatko tietää, miten suodatamme hakutuloksia? Lue täältä lisää siitä, miten koulutukset listautuvat hakutuloksissa.
Master of International Management (MIM) 1,5 vuotta
Geneva Business School
Master of International Management -koulutusohjela on suunniteltu opiskelijoille, jotka haluavat jatkaa liiketalouden opintojaan pidemmälle ennen työelämään siirtymistä. Tämä ohjelma vie...
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Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) tarjoaa mahdollisuuden opiskella Bachelor's Degree in Business Management -tutkinnon ensimmäinen vuosi Barcelonassa. Opiskelet SaintPaun kampusalueella Casa...
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat
Opiskelu ulkomailla (1–2 lukukautta)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Haluaisitko opiskella ulkomailla yhden tai kahden lukukauden ajan? Universitat Autònoma de Barcelonassa voit opiskella englanniksi tai espanjaksi. Voit opiskella keskustan...
Kesäkurssit (6 viikon intensiivikurssit)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Opiskele Barcelonassa kuusi intensiivistä viikkoa kesällä. Voit lukea jopa 18 opintopistettä (ECTS). Valittavanasi on mm. liiketoiminnan, markkinoinnin ja espanjan kursseja....
BA (Hons) Business Management and Human Resources Management
EU Business School
The BA (Hons) in Business Management (Human Resources Management) program is set in the broader field of business, management and...
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BA (Hons) Business Management and Marketing
EU Business School
BA (Hons) Business Management and Marketing The BA (Hons) in Business Management (Marketing) program gives students the tools and entrepreneurial...
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BA (Hons) Business Management and International Business
EU Business School
The BA (Hons) in Business Management (International Business) program gives you a cohesive education touching upon all aspects related to...
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BA (Hons) Business Management and Enterprise
EU Business School
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EBBA - Executive Bachelor of Business Administration
EU Business School
The Executive BBA is a part of an integrated two-year program for students who want to earn a master's or...
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Business Bridging Program
EU Business School
Many high school students aspire to enroll in an international bachelor’s degree but lack the skills and background to do...
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Master in Business Analytics & Data Science
EU Business School
Technology advances have dramatically changed the way businesses function, and expertise in business analytics and data science is essential to...
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BA(Hons) in Business Management (Business Technology)
EU Business School
BA(Hons) in Business Management (Business Technology) Technology and IT systems are crucial to effective business operations. The BA (Hons) in...
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BA(Hons) in Business Management (Supply Chain & Logistics)
EU Business School
Logistics and supply chain management is a key, technology-driven industry which is growing exponentially. All businesses need efficient, detailed and...
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Master in Digital Marketing, Transformation and Design Thinking
EU Business School
The digital transformation of business is accelerating, and customers are increasingly empowered and selective. This program will give students the...
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MBA in Blockchain Management
EU Business School
One of the most influential and important emerging technologies in modern business, blockchain promises to shape the 21st century in...
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Master in Innovation & Entrepreneurship
EU Business School
In an ever-changing business landscape shaped by increasingly competitive markets, the entrepreneurial mindset is crucial for managers to bring about...
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Master in Management
EU Business School
Rapid political, economic, social and technological changes are taking place across the world. In order to cope with and actively...
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Master in Digital Business
EU Business School
Digital transformation is no longer a future paradigm, but a key reality. The business world is becoming digitalized at an...
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Näyttää 1-20 koulutusta 22 tuloksesta